An Interview With Mark Simpson, From Ironman to Entrepreneur

Jun 15, 2023

Building a Winning Team: An Elite Athlete's Approach to High-Performance Business Culture

I had the opportunity to have a chat with Mark Simpson, a former professional Ironman and an inspiring mentor to the next generation of athletes coming through the sport. Mark has not only excelled as an athlete but has also established himself as a highly successful coach and entrepreneur. 

Our work together started back in 2009. At that time, Mark had already achieved success as an athlete but had hit a wall trying to break into the elite group of his sport. Recognising the limitations of physical training alone, we embarked on mental performance training. 

In early 2011, about 18 months into our partnership, Mark reached a turning point where he realised the impact of mental training. 

Fast forward to today, and Mark has transitioned these skillsets into the world of business, leading multiple ventures from a swim school, an elite personal training gym and a surf craft business. 

Mark attributes much of his success to the skills he honed as an athlete, balancing four disciplines as an Ironman taught him how to combine his athletic background with meticulous planning and unwavering confidence. With constant improvement and adaptability, he recognises the importance of flexibility within a well-defined plan. 

Mark believes in the impact of mental performance training, and he has not only applied it to himself but has also instilled it in his athletes and family. This outlook has permeated his coaching approach, where he tailors training programs to individual athletes' needs, emphasising quality over quantity, and his athletes achieve remarkable success while avoiding burnout.

Personally, it's been incredibly humbling to witness the profound impact this holistic approach has had on Mark's life and the lives of those he touches. 

Join me as we delve into Mark's career and uncover the invaluable lessons he has learned throughout, and how he is now applying them to his ventures in business and life.


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