023: Building Mental and Emotional Resilience in Athletes

As an athlete, does your coach sometimes say things to you that confuses you and changes the way you perceive their coaching?

Do you sometimes miss the point of the technical or corrective coaching?

Or does what others think influence your performance?

If you answered YES to any of these then you need to build better mental and emotional resilience!

This episode will show you how to effectively unpack the relevant information from your coaches coaching and how you can store it more efficiently in your mind.

And as a coach, it’s important to recognise the information you give to your athletes is only as good as what they can do with it. So if your athlete isn’t getting the results you know they are capable of or consistently making the same mistakes, maybe the message isn’t hitting home and it’s time to look at the delivery.

Check out this short and sharp episode on efficient and effective communication and emotional resilience.

Want to Harness Your Emotion for Sustainable Performance?

In high-performance sport, understanding and managing emotions is crucial for achieving sustainable performance and effective skill acquisition. Dive deeper into the powerful concepts of the emotional slider and consolidation process with our exclusive video on emotional management.

  • Gain Insight: Understand the impact of emotions on performance and skill acquisition.
  • Improve Strategies: Learn practical tools to manage emotions and build strong foundations for skills.
  • Achieve Success: Empower you or your athletes to perform consistently at their best.

Watch the video now: https://www.smartmind.com/emotion


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