016: Knowing and Doing –⁠ What is the difference

In this ever increasing accessibility to knowledge through the open portal that is the web, we have more information at our fingertips today about advanced neuroscience than ever before, with more to come tomorrow. And as someone who is geekily obsessed by this exciting new world, about the possibilities of humanity and how we can use this knowledge to better tomorrow –⁠ I have noticed a behavioural trend occurring that could trip us up.

We have all heard that old saying “knowledge is power” and in many situations this is very true –⁠ knowledge is incredibly powerful giving us more options and valuable skills. We can truly say it was never like this in our parents days.

But is it everything?

My philosophy is, it is okay to consistently gain knowledge as long as you do something with it.

From a performance perspective there is a distinct difference between excess seeking of knowledge and actual outcome.

With many athletes and coaches smartly choosing to seek more knowledge about their behaviour, strategies and performance than ever before, we are seeing a trend for an increasing quest for  knowledge over actual physical doing. The gap's growing between those who gain specific information and then act on it and those who have not defined what it is they are looking for and consistently seek! It can be easy to get lost in the world of just a little more looking and THEN I will act on it.

In reality it's a fine balancing act to encourage both knowledge and action, the endless search for one more piece of information and the creation of productive action.

So when is enough, enough?

The answer is:

When it is used.


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