002: Dealing with Performance Mistakes

Dealing with Performance Mistakes

In this episode we tackle the big question: “What do we do when things go wrong?”

Coaches are often heavily invested in the athlete’s outcome; they’ve spent hours, days, weeks, months, even years sometimes, prepping for one event. So we look at what happens when things don’t go according to plan, and the correction process.

·       Learn the 4 step Mental Debrief, a game-changing strategy for getting back on track when performance goes off the rails

·       Hear how to avoid the common mistake most athletes, coaches and parents make that guarantees failure

·       Discover how to lower your emotional anxiety in less than 5 minutes so you are competition-ready at any time 

·       Uncover how we make our memories, and how we can use this knowledge to change a past experience for the better

·       Learn the most effective way to initiate change in your sporting organisation so mistakes are dealt with in a positive, constructive way

·       The importance of setting up effective performance triggers to improve your coaching style 

·       Uncover a vital skill in communicating with athletes to ensure they will listen and respond to your feedback

For more information on this and other Brain in the Game podcasts and to download the shows transcript, exercises and more go to http://braininthegame.com.au


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