082: How Do I Turn My Performance Around When I Am In A Slump?

How to Turn Around Your Performance When You're in a Slump

In this episode of Brain in the Game, we discuss how both athletes and coaches can turn an athlete’s performance around when they are in a slump. It's a common issue, but one that can be hard to overcome.

Here are the five key steps that are critical to getting back on track:

  1. Recognise what the tipping point was that took you into this place of not performing. 
    Understand the tipping point, the poor performance, or the injury, or the non selection that caused this in the first place.
  2. Understand what could have been done differently. 
    Make it a learning opportunity. It has to be very pragmatic, emotionless, however there needs to be a value you get from it so that you can move forward.
  3. Identify what you were doing when it was working.
    Your 'how'. Your DNA. What was the best thing for you? How do you then re-establish that process?
  4. Reconstruct the routine. What do you need to do to reinstate that old process?
    What do I need to do to re-instigate the process? What actions do I need to take? What do I need to think about in a slightly different way? Was I cutting too many corners? Was I trying to trim off too much of the fat? Did I cut off a critical component?
  5. Reward what's working. When we focus on them, our brain will prioritise them.
    Recognition and reward. Make sure that our brain sees value in what we're doing, otherwise it will start to trim it. If we don't recognise and reward it, our brain will see it as luggage and baggage that needs to be got rid of.

So whether you’re an elite athlete or coach, by following these practical steps you can turn their performance around and get back on track towards your goals.

And for more podcast episodes and online resources check out www.smartmind.com/podcast
for everything mental performance.


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